Hipp Comfort Vs Combiotik

Hipp Comfort Vs Combiotik

Does your baby have tummy troubles? Which type of Hipp formula is right for your child’s needs?

Hipp organic formula has been feeding babies for generations, so they know about what your little one needs and how to treat their developing digestive system. Gas, bloating, and constipation can make your newborn fussy and uncomfortable. While there are ways to reduce that including tummy massages, burping between ounces, and such, the type of formula you use can also play a role in relieving these problems.

If your pediatrician has already ruled out a milk sensitivity or food allergy, then organic is a good source of nutrition during this developmental year. Additives that may get into ingredients during farming or production can create issues that are short or long term. Organic formulas such as Hipp do not have the synthetic chemicals or GMO ingredients that can cause gut inflammation, for example.

One thing that makes Hipp stand out from other baby formulas is its combiotik formula. Combiotik means that there are prebiotics along with probiotics that help balance the gut flora that can cause upset tummies. Another product designed for your baby’s tummy troubles is Comfort. Which one is right for your baby’s belly?


What Does Hipp Combiotik Do For Your Baby?

Your baby may have constipation on a regular basis or on days when you least expect it. One way to regulate your formula-fed baby is by giving them formula that is easy to digest and can work from the inside. This is achieved through GOS, or galacto-oligosaccarides. This prebiotic fiber helps balance the gut flora while softening the stool so that it is easier for your child to go. GOS is found in breast milk, which is the premiere model of infant food that your baby can have. GOS, along with probiotics like lactobacillus cultures can return your baby to better digestion.


What Does Hipp Comfort Do For Your Baby?

Hipp Comfort is ideal for babies who have constipation on a regular basis or a sensitivity to some ingredients found in baby formula such as lactose. Lactose is the carbohydrate that is found in some baby formulas because it is what is found in breast milk. However, some babies cannot tolerate it as well. One way that Hipp Comfort remedies this problem is by reducing the amount of lactose that is irritating the gut. Another reduction comes from the fat globules in the formula. To help your baby, the fat is also broken down so that it is easier to digest. Comfort also has the prebiotics and probiotics found in Combiotik to help with gut health

Another way that Hipp Comfort helps babies is with milk proteins. It is not uncommon for a baby to have a milk protein allergy, but it only affects less than 7% of babies under the age of 1. Infants especially need something to eat that is easy to digest, and sometimes the milk proteins in cow’s milk does not break down as easily. One way to remedy this is by breaking down the proteins in the formula. Some hydrolyzed formulas do that in conventional formulas, but they smell and taste badly. One way to mask that is with extra sweetener. Hipp does not have that foul smell or taste nor the extra sugar that is not needed, so your baby will enjoy each bottle. If you suspect that your baby may have an allergy, your pediatrician can check the symptoms or refer you to a pediatric allergist.


Which Hipp Formula is Right For Your Baby?

Hipp Combiotik can be used for every feeding and comes in stages from newborn to age 1. Hipp Comfort is specifically for special medical purposes such as food allergies, colic, or other issues that can resolve themselves by the time your little one is between four and six months of age.