Is it Ok to Give a Baby Formula When They Have a Fever?

Is It Ok to Give a Baby Formula When They Have a Fever?

You may have heard the saying, “Feed a cold, starve a fever”.  Your baby is the exception to this rule.

When your little one has a fever, sometimes eating may not be an activity they want to do.  However, when baby formula is their only source of nutrition, it is important that they still try to eat.

Why You Should Give Your Baby Formula When They Have a Fever



When the internal temperature rises, your baby is at risk for dehydration.  Babies in general should not drink plain water until about six months old.  It fills their belly where there should be formula (or breast milk if you are nursing).  Do not offer food for 30-60 minutes if your infant has been vomiting along with a fever, and do not offer water without speaking to your pediatrician first.


Baby formula provides your infant with the source of hydration as well as the nutrition that can help them get better soon.  Just because your child is sick, it does not mean you should water down or dilute the formula.  This prevents them from getting all of the nutrients and calories they need to get better and thrive. 

Other Causes

Just because your baby has a fever, it does not necessarily mean that they are sick.  Fevers are commonly caused by viral infections, but they can also be the result of shots and teething.  Not only will regular feedings with baby formula keep them strong during these feverish times, they can help bring the fever down.

Edited and reposted from March 2018