Why is Baby Eating Less Formula?

Why is Baby Eating Less Formula? 

Right about the three-month mark, your baby may not want to drink as much as recommended. Is this normal?

About the time that your baby is about three months old, you may find that your baby is changing up how they feed. While the recommended quantity is 24 oz a day for average weight, your little one may refuse a feeding or not finish the three or four ounces that are offered. Is this something that should have you worried?

Your Baby and Formula

During the first month, your baby will be eating eight to 12 times within 24 hours. Feedings are less frequent over time, but you still want to make sure that they are eating enough calories for their weight. The amount for a 24-hour period equals 2.5 times your baby’s weight. As baby formula is the primary source of nutrition if you are not breastfeeding, you want to make sure that your little one is getting enough every day.

There will come a time that your baby goes through a healthy slow phase. This can be due to teething or just a general disinterest in eating as much as recommended. You may find that a number of mothers express concern around this period of their baby’s life when it comes to feedings. This period does pass, however, if it doesn’t or your baby does not show signs of being healthy, you should speak to your pediatrician. 

Signs of a Healthy Baby

Weight Gain

If you don’t want to wait until your baby’s next check up, try weighing your baby at home. You can weigh yourself twice, once with and once without holding your baby, and subtract the difference. If your baby is gaining, then there is little to be concerned about. The average weight gain for a baby is about one or two pounds a month until they are six months old.

Happy Disposition

When your baby is healthy and eating enough, they are content with snuggles and the time spent bonding with you and other family members. There is still an interest in eating and relaxed and satisfied after each feeding.

The Diaper

When your baby gets enough to eat, there will be plenty of wet diapers. About 5-6 wet diapers means that your baby is nourished and hydrated. Urine that is dark yellow or orange means that your little one is not getting enough liquid.

By now, you know what your baby’s normal poop looks like. If it becomes hard and dry, this is another sign that they are not getting enough to eat.


When in doubt, contact your pediatrician. If your baby is progressing well in weight gain, disposition, and in the diaper, they may consider this a phase that you can continue monitoring. If they notice an unhealthy look in your baby’s skin, diaper, or disposition, they may investigate further to make sure that it is not a medical problem that needs to be addressed sooner.


Reposted and updated from March 2018