Is Hipp Combiotik Stage 3 Beneficial?
Hipp Combiotik comes in a variety of stages. How would your baby benefit from switching to Stage 3?
Hipp Combiotik has the best for your baby when breast feeding is not an exclusive possibility. It has the goodness of biodynamic milk, prebiotic galato-oligosaccarides and probiotic lactic acid cultures for optimal digestion, and 99% organic ingredients. Stage 1 can last your baby throughout their first year, but some babies need something more as they approach nutrition as a toddler.
What Makes Hipp Combiotik Stage 3 Different Than the Other Stages?
Hipp Combiotik Stage 3 has been produced for the older baby of about ten months old and beyond. At this point, your baby is moving more and eating solid foods regularly. Even though your little one has expanded their palate, formula is still important to meet all of those nutritional needs.
Stage 3 has all of the nutritional values of Stage 1, but there is more than your baby needs. Calcium and phosphorus are necessary for bone health and bone strength. Magnesium also contributes to bone health, but it is also important to muscle and nerve function. No matter what your baby’s age, iron has its purpose in your baby’s growth and development. That is because it is one of the components of red blood cells which carries oxygen to every part of the body. When your baby was born, they stored up enough iron to last them for the first six months. A diet that is fortified with vitamins and minerals, especially iron, allows them to maintain iron levels in their body to ward off the risk of anemia.<
Hipp Stage 3 is also more filling for babies who are not satisfied with their current diet. Even though they may consume the right amount of ounces and enough solids for the day, they can be satisfied longer without overeating.
How Long Can Your Baby Stay on Hipp Combiotik Stage 3?
Your baby can transition to whole milk on their first birthday, but some babies are picky about new foods and may not gravitate to milk right away. A diet with Hipp Combiotik Stage 3 can provide your little one with the nutrients they need as they transition to toddler food and whole milk. If you are not sure, you can speak with your pediatrician about what is best for your growing baby.
Edited and reposted from September 2018