Cotton Babies is primarily focused cloth nappies and are based in St. Louis, Missouri USA. The label was created and owned by a lady who is a real activist and believes in the continued growth of the cloth nappy category in an effort to reduce waste and raise the standard of living in areas her company has influence. She cares deeply about growth of the cloth diapering industry and is the founding chair of the Real Diaper Industry Association. Nope I did not know there was one!
The brands bumGenius, the Flip Hybrid Diapering System and Econobum are other brands under the same umbrella, which are sold at major retailers like Target, BabiesRUs, BuyBuyBaby and They offer a variety of options including stay dry lining, organic cotton, single-piece diapering, fun prints from the Limited Edition Artist Series, as well as a variety of prints from the Genius Series.
Cotton Babies Cloth Nappies
If you’re skeptical about using cloth nappies, it might be a good idea to read the reviews from other users. They haven’t removed any negative comments so you can get an objective view.
Using cloth nappies will help you save money, prevent waste, and you will never have the problem of running out. Even if you use disposable nappies, it is wise to have cloth nappies on hand in case of an emergency.
- Disposable nappies are the third most common consumer product in landfills today.
- A disposable nappy may take up to 500 years to decompose.
- One baby in disposable nappies will contribute at least 1 ton of waste to your local landfill.